Archive for the ‘Maps’ category

Answering the question of “Where?” Why our Partnership with Centigon matters

June 28th, 2014

As requirements for Geo Analytics continue to evolve and BI data sources expands to require cloud and on premise data the questions of “What” data to present and “How” to present it are answered with intelligence self service mapping application like CMaps Analytics.

The remaining question of “Where” to put the mapping interface and related reports and documents for users to find continues to challenge enterprises.

  • BI Platforms like SAP BusinessObjects and others have their own interface for managing and presenting content.
  • Corporate Portals are locations for information to be shared and collaborated on.
  • Cloud Platforms like provide cloud based web interfaces for sales operations and customer facing communities.

Where should the data go so users can find it, use it for making decisions and not require complex application development initiatives?  All of them.

Fortunately embedded analytics platforms our like Dashboard Launch answer the question of “Where?” and make it so easy it doesn’t require a developer at all to embed the map, report or dashboard into any and all of the platforms above where users go to access data.

Check out more about the expanded LaunchWorks Partnership with Centigon for bringing CMaps Analytics directly into using the embedable Dashboard Launch Application